Task 1 – The Brand

For this task I must present a short statement and a self-made photoshop logo that reflects my own personal brand. In order to do this I must first know what my personal brand is. The first step to do this would be to consider and reflect upon my web presence. Social media is a place for people to express themselves and thoughts in an online community so by looking at my presence across different platforms should give a good reflection of myself and my main values. Looking at my social media presence I’m represented mostly by my interests of music, religion, politics, fashion and beauty, memes and social issues.



Related image

Youtube’s branding is very smart from everything including their name. Having ‘You’ at the beginning of the name instantly targets the audience and creates an inclusive image, a platform in which YOU can thrive. Youtube’s online presence is supposedly an inclusive platform for anyone to post content and create a following. However due to algorithms some content has been favoured over others in terms of people’s following and sponsors. Youtube has both a Facebook and twitter account to connect with their users, share news and updates about the platform and answer any queries. The website for youtube is the platform itself which includes the platform content and help pages etc. The only consistent graphic they have on all the different pages is their logo which is a button that redirects the user to the home page. The logo shows that the company is video centred as the image used in the logo is a red play button. The colour ‘red’ has connotations of passion and love which intrigues audiences to click it.



Image result for spotify logo

Spotify’s logo has a circle shape and uses the colour green which has connotations of the word ‘go’. It also has four bent lines to symbolise sound waves as it’s a music streaming brand. Spotify’s online presence is an accessible platform for anyone to stream music of their choice free of charge. However recently Spotify have become well known for their excessive advertising of Spotify Premium across the web. Other than that Spotify was a generally positive online presence with social media networks of Twitter and Facebook to communicate and promote on other platforms. The Spotify website has a very simple layout which just explains the application, how it works and the membership, featuring their logo at the top of the screen as the consistent house style and brightly coloured art background which represents the brand well as they are aimed at the younger generation. These images show that Spotify are a music centred brand, welcoming of



Image result for nike

Nike’s logo is very strong in that it’s tick symbol instantly tells the consumer they’ve made the right decision. The majority of people associate associate ticks with school and getting things right which is why I think it resonates with so many people because it’s a feeling they can relate to from a young age. Nike have a very strong online presence. Just like the other brands, Nike has Twitter and Facebook accounts to promote themselves and communicate however Nike are also very well known for their advertising campaign. They’re known to have done specific campaigns with popular celebrities and influencers. Nike’s website is their online store where they sells all their products and goods. Their logo is featured on every page as a consistent house style wether it be graphics on on the products themselves. Overall Nike is has a very strong and popular brand shown through promotion and the products itself.